Join us the first Friday every month to explore local trails and chat with healthcare providers on the NFHT team. Rainy days we will meet in the lower level of the Northumberland Mall and walk indoors. Everyone is welcome to join us.

  • DATE & TIME: First Friday of every month — no longer than one hour
  • LOCATION: Locations will rotate each month click here close to date to see where. Parking available on site.
  • WHAT TO BRING: Water bottle and appropriate attire
  • REGISTRATION: FREE! To save time when you arrive, please complete the waiver – click here.

Good things happen when you move!

Living Well With COPD – Education and Support Group 2025

This program is designed to increase understanding of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and enhance quality of life by teaching how to best manage your COPD. A variety of topics are discussed from medication to how to maintain and improve exercise tolerance. Everyone is welcome to join. You are welcome to attend all sessions or pick and choose which sessions you want to watch or attend.

There will be a session in-person and streamed on zoom. No registration is required for in-person sessions, you are welcome to drop-in to Ed’s House on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 2:30pm at 1301 Ontario St in Cobourg.

When: Every Tuesday starting April 1, 2024
Where: Ed’s House for in person or online at zoom.
Registration: not required for in-person but you can email or call 289-252-2139 for more information. On Zoom, you can register for free by clicking here.

Pain Management Program

This education program is open to the public. You do not have to be an NFHT patient to attend. The program is facilitated by our Physiotherapist, Pharmacist and a counsellor so they discuss physical pain, medications and mental health techniques to manage pain.

Next up on Wed. April 9 the topic is how nutrition affects pain lead by NFHT Dietitian Lyndsay Lang.

When: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month
Where: Lower Level of the Northumberland Mall at the NFHT office or streamed online through Zoom.
Registration: You do not need to register to attend in person but for more information you can email or call 289-252-2139. To register for the Zoom Link click here.

For more information about NFHT’s pain support program for patients, please see


Learn how practicing Mindfulness has many benefits including improving focus, managing stress, and helps you connect to those around as a few examples. Every session has different topics and different methods of how to practice mindfulness.

When: April 2, 16, 30 at 11 am
Where: Lower level of Northumberland Mall at NFHT
or online at Zoom click for link. 
To register email or call 289-252-2139.

Click the image above for information about the 2025 Series of talks.