Appointment Patient Policies

The following information is for patients attending appointments at our NFHT office in the Northumberland Mall.

Please help us provide the best care to our patients by attending all scheduled appointments on time. We will accommodate you to the best of our abilities, however, if you are more than 5 minutes late, we reserve the right to reschedule your appointment.

If you are sick and may be infectious (new or worse cough or shortness of breath, fever, vomiting and/or diarrhea), please call and reschedule your appointment.

If you must cancel an appointment, please provide 24 hours’ notice if possible. If we do not reschedule the appointment at the time of cancelation it will be your responsibility to call back within 10 days to rebook an appointment, or you could be discharged. If you miss two appointments without notifying us, you may be discharged.

As a courtesy we will attempt to reach you to remind you of upcoming appointments. If you have not provided consent for us to send email reminders and you do not wish us to leave a voicemail message at the contact number you provided, it is your responsibility to notify us of this preference.