Mental Health

If you are struggling with your mental health support and need support, reach out and get help.

Single session and short-term counseling for those 12 and older who are unable to access counselling through private insurance or Employee Assistance Programs.

If you are a patient of the Northumberland Family Health Team’s associated clinics, we have Mental Health Clinicians who can help through a scheduled appointment in person or virtually. To find out if you are a patient of our clinics, please check to see if your doctor is listed here. Call 289-252-2139 for more information.

  • anyone 12 years of age or older
  • Unable to access counselling services through private coverage, benefits, Employee Assistance Programs or other funded services
  • Has not completed individual counselling with NFHT in the past 6 months
  • Is referred for one or more of the following concerns:
    • Mood disorder (new diagnosis or exacerbation of symptoms)
    • Situational stress, life events, grief/loss
    • Coping with diagnosis, illness and/or caregiving

Our adult mental health team provides a wide range of services offered through individual and group counselling, in addition to a range of educationally based services about mental health and wellness.

Additonal services include group programs. The eligibility of a patient to join these groups is based on clinical assessment.

Registration: You need a referral to join some of the programs from one of our associated doctors at: Cobourg Clinic, Cobourg Medical Centre, Cobourg Health Center or Dr. Wanda Webster. For information call 289-252-2139 or email

  • Anxiety Program (6-weeks)
  • Stress Management (5-weeks)
  • Rise Up from Depression (6-weeks)
  • Mindfulness Approaches to Pain Management
  • Food & Mood
  • CBT Insomnia: Introduction to Sleep (4-weeks)

There is a Zoom webinar Lunch & Learn series on Mindfulness, offering people online instruction and practice sessions. To see past sessions please scroll down the bottom of this page or see the Mindfulness playlist on our YouTube channel.

Workshop topics vary as there is always new program development happening at NFHT.

If the referred patient is eligible for time limited individual counselling, they will be connected with a therapist to work towards goal oriented outcomes aimed at reducing the impact of mental health related issues and promote general wellness.

Adam Lieberman, MSW, RSW, Pscyhotherapist – Social Worker

Ester Odermatt, MSW, RSW – Social Worker

Kathy Beale, BSW, MSW, RSW – Social Worker

Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or NFHT Clinician referral.

The workshops that are open to the public will be noted as such with information on how to register.

We are currently offering MH groups on Anxiety, Food and Mood, CBT – Insomnia, Low Mood and Depression. You need to be a patient of the Cobourg Clinic, Cobourg Medical Centre, or Cobourg Health Centre to register in one of these groups. For further information call 289-252-2139 or email

We are also offering drop-in Mindfulness sessions – that are open to the public.


We are offering to the general public drop-in Mindfullness sessions at the Northumberland Family Health Team office in the lower level of the mall. The sessions are also offered online at zoom.

The link for all Wednesdays sessions at 11am –click here.

March 5, 19 at 11 am
April 2, 16, 30 at 11 am

NFHT is now offering in person, hybrid or zoom groups. You can attend online sessions by computer/tablet/phone through the free software Zoom.
Click here to download Zoom to your computer now, or you also have the option to run Zoom through your Internet browser when you click the meeting link.

If you have never used Zoom before, we recommend logging on 10-15 minutes early to have time to work through any technical issues. Need help? Try Zoom’s get started guide or NFHT’s zoom instructions for groups.

We are offering Mindfulness sessions on Zoom – to join, click here.

The Feb 12 PAIN EDUCATION SERIES: Mindfulness Movement Session at 1:30 – click here.

Please see our list of supports and resources by clicking here for our MH Patient Resource Handout. There are clickable links to websites and phone numbers on this pdf.

Free Mental Health Programs from

Tips for a Better Sleep from NFHT’s Kathy Beale, BSW, MSW, RSW

Seniors and Caregivers resources and tips dealing with anxiety and mental health issues.

Food and Mental Health resource links.

Posts on Mental Health coping tips and meditations – click on the images to enlarge.


On this page, you will find links, tip sheets, and resources for children of all ages.

• The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board’s guide to student mental health with a list of apps and resources. Be Well Student Mental Health Handbook.
• Children’s Mental Health Ontario has put together a web page of resources click here.
A tipsheet on how to talk to your children about COVID-19 from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
• The Canadian Mental Health Association has many resources including these two articles you can click on to read.

Here are some video resources:
Let go of “If Only” — teaching our children to be happy right now and embrace the circumstances of each day — the link is a video of the Happy Right Now book by Julie Berry click here.

Get to Know Your Breath — six breathing exercises for children click here.

Watch our Mindfulness Videos:

Watch our Mindfulness Videos:

Go to our YouTube Channel

CBT-Insomnia: An Introduction to Improving Your Sleep
Jan. 21—Feb.11 : 1 pm
New Group Starts: Feb 18 o March 4 at 1pm
In-person in the lower level of the Northumberland Mall
REGISTRATION: 289-252-2139 or