Mental Health
If you are struggling with your mental health support and need support, reach out and get help.
Single session and short-term counseling for those 12 and older who are unable to access counselling through private insurance or Employee Assistance Programs.
If you are a patient of the Northumberland Family Health Team’s associated clinics, we have Mental Health Clinicians who can help through a scheduled appointment in person or virtually. To find out if you are a patient of our clinics, please check to see if your doctor is listed here. Call 289-252-2139 for more information.
On this page, you will find links, tip sheets, and resources for children of all ages.
• The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board’s guide to student mental health with a list of apps and resources. Be Well Student Mental Health Handbook.
• Children’s Mental Health Ontario has put together a web page of resources click here.
• A tipsheet on how to talk to your children about COVID-19 from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
• The Canadian Mental Health Association has many resources including these two articles you can click on to read.
Let go of “If Only” — teaching our children to be happy right now and embrace the circumstances of each day — the link is a video of the Happy Right Now book by Julie Berry click here.
Get to Know Your Breath — six breathing exercises for children click here.
Watch our Mindfulness Videos:
Watch our Mindfulness Videos:
When: April 2, 16, 30 at 11 am
Where: Lower level of Northumberland Mall at NFHT
or online at Zoom click for link.
To register email or call 289-252-2139.